Spray Museum

The Spray Pioneer Museum was built in 1912 as the Spray Baptist Church. It was deeded over to the City of Spray in 1991 and opened as the museum in 1993. The Spray Pioneer Museum is organized for the purpose of preserving the history of Spray, Oregon.  To this end, the Spray Pioneer Museum shall collect, preserve, exhibit and publish material of historical character for the educational benefit of others. The museum has displays representing life in the 1800’s, Indian artifacts, fossils, families’ histories, pictures of settlers and much more.

Upon request, the Spray Pioneer Museum is open for the Spray school children, tours, and other parties that wish to visit the museum.

Spring and Summer Hours:  (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Friday and Saturdays 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and Sundays 8:00 am to 11:00am

 For information or to schedule a private tour, call Bobbie Kipp at 541-698-0075

Consignments accepted for sale in our gift shop.  Exhibit donations very much appreciated!  


402 Willow Street
Spray, OR 97874

(541) 468-2069
Fax: (541) 468-2044